ROHS Certification Private Limited

An ISO Certification Body Accredited by EIAC (Formally Known as DAC)


It is to be informed to all stake holders and interested parties that accreditation Board DAC has changed its Name to EIAC and already updated the changed name on IAF Website. DAC Intimated to us that ROHS and its certified clients shall use and entertain the DAC logo untill next notice. ROHS will inform to clients soon for next update

ROHS Certification Private Limited

An ISO Certification Body Accredited by EIAC (Formally Known as DAC)


It is to be informed to all stake holders and interested parties that accreditation Board DAC has changed its Name to EIAC and already updated the changed name on IAF Website. DAC Intimated to us that ROHS and its certified clients shall use and entertain the DAC logo untill next notice. ROHS will inform to clients soon for next update

Suspension, Widthrawal


1.1 CM has the authority to suspend certification in cases where on reviewing the audit reports and subsequent verification, he arrives to a conclusion that the:-

  • Client's certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system in the surveillance audits
  • The certified client does not allow surveillance or recertification audits to be conducted at the required frequencies as mentioned in the agreement.
  • The certified client has voluntarily requested a suspension in writing to ROHS.
  • The certified client has voluntarily requested a suspension in writing to ROHS.

1.2 Under suspension, the client's management system certification becomes temporarily invalid. CM ensures through enforceable arrangements with its client that in the period of the suspension the client can not use or promote the certification. The suspension shall be communicated to the client and the suspension status of the client shall be updated in the client directory maintained and on the websitp of ROHS. It shall be communicated by sending a notice to the client that in case the suspension is not revoked or issue not resolved within 6 months time from the date of suspension then the certificate shall be withdrawal/cancelled or scope shall be reduced or certificate shall be cancelled.

1.3 Upon verification of audit reports and subsequent on-site verification, the ROHS may reduce the client's scope of certification to exclude the parts not meeting the requirements, when the client has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification requirements for those parts of the scope of certification. CM ensures the reduction shall be in the line with the requirements of the standards used for certification.

1.4 CM ensures that there is an enforceable agreement signed by client with the certified client concerning conditions of withdrawal ensuring upon notice of certification that the client discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference to a certified status as per agreement.

1.5 ROHS ensure that the correct status of the client i.e suspended, reduced, withdrawal or cancelled shall be updated on

1.6 ROHS can expand the scope of the in the following situation

  • Request received from the client company.
  • Onsite request from client to the audit team and Audit team recommended that scope can be extended and no extra time was required for the extended scope.


2.1 ROHS can refuse for the certification :

  • Client organization is not ready to conduct the stage 2 audit within the stipulated time
  • Client organization is not closing the majorNC with the stipulated time frame.
  • Client organization has not paid the full amount or any other dues of ROHS.
  • Client organisation has denied to ROHS audit team to provide access to the information required to achieve the objective of the audit.

2.2 ROHS can suspend the certification in the following situation

  • The client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system;
  • The certified client does not allow surveillance or recertification audits to be conducted at the required frequencies;
  • The certified client has voluntarily requested a suspension.

Under the suspension the certification is temporarily invalid. The suspended certificate can be restore with 6 months if the issue of the suspension is resolved. In case the issue of suspension is not resolved than ROHS can either withdraw the certificate or reduce the scope of the certification as the case may be.

ROHS can reduce the scope of certification to exclude the part not meeting the requirements when the certified client has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification requirements for those part of the scope of certification. Any such reduction shall be inline with the requirement of the standard used for certification.

ROHS shall make the decision on renewing the certification based on the result of the recertification audits as well as the result of the review of the system over the period of certification and complaints received from users of certifications.